Friday, July 11, 2008

Stress Reduction Techniques - 5 Methods to Attain Inner Peace

The rigors of every day life can take a toll on your emotions regardless of a person's inner strengths and beliefs. All too often you see someone lose their temper in a traffic jam or become in sensed at the antics of their kids. When a person loses control of their emotional response mechanisms, the possibility for mental and physical harm to themselves or others increases tremendously. Knowing how to and implementing effect stress reduction techniques to decrease or even remove tension is crucial to anyone's existence. So how do you do that? Here are 5 simple yet highly methods you can begin using today in order to attain inner peace and remove stress.

1. Discover and remove the tension source - (if possible). This is one of the easiest and most effective stress reduction techniques known to man. Discover the source and either neutralize it or eliminate it completely. Don't sit back and wait for things to change - take charge and change them yourself.

2. Feet Manipulation - take off your shoes and wiggle those toes. It sounds silly but it works. Make fists with your toes and use your hand or the floor to stretch your toes back towards your shin. Get a squeezing ball and roll it around with your toes, then roll it underneath your feet back and forth. Soak your feet in a salt water bath or spray them with a nice cooling foot spray.

3. Breathing methods - talk about a stress reduction technique! Take somewhat deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling the same number of seconds. Focus on each breath thinking only about your breathing, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.

4. Take a brisk walk - around the room or outside for a few minutes. Do not walk slowly or shuffle your feet; walk with meaning, with purpose and with speed. Do this alone, so you can have "me" time.

5. Take a cat nap - lie down and relax for 20 minutes. Let your mind go and think about pleasant things; relive events from the past. Let your mind return you to a time when your life was carefree and comfortable. Daydream about the ocean or the sky and picture all the beautiful scenes in your mind.

Being able to utilize stress reduction techniques is not only important for your total health and well being, but even more so for the other people in your life. Friends, relatives and co-workers will appreciate you finding your own methods to eliminate as much stress from your life as possible since your internal tension adds to theirs too. Besides, don't we all have enough to deal with anyway?

Jordan Hall is an active entrepreneur that has quickly learned some of the most effective Stress Reduction Techniques available out of necessity! To learn the same surprisingly powerful ways to relieve your stress, Check out and change your life forever!

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